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Individual Character Certification Program
Our 11 Principles Certificate program is for anyone eager to deepen their understanding on how to foster in young people a range of character strengths and core values, such as honesty, compassion, responsibility, curiosity, fairness, service and respect.
While no one script exists to cultivate these character strengths (and others), the 11 Principles Framework for Schools: A Guide to Cultivating a Character-Inspired Culture were developed by a group of distinguished researchers and practitioners as a framework for schools who want to develop and implement high-quality, evidence-based character education initiatives.
- Are you a teacher, school leader, or district coordinator looking to equip yourself with the knowledge, tools and confidence to help your school become a National School of Character?
- Are you a civic leader eager to bring character development to your community?
- Are you a parent who wants to raise honest and caring children?
If so, we encourage you to earn your 11 Principles Certificate.
The Individual Certification program is the first step in your journey as part of a community that is passionate in all things character. We use belts as tiers to mark where you are in your journey to becoming certified in the 11 Principles. The program is not easy, but it is rewarding, and it will equip you with the tools you need to be a change maker in your community.
"Having been around The 11 Principles for years now, I was pretty confident in my understanding of how they work. But as I went through the certification process in The Character Exchange, I began to think through them more critically and from more perspectives. These exercises have helped me understand what living The 11 Principles should look like in my life, and I continue to use them every day."
Heather Cazad
Green Belt Certified
Certification starts today.
Everyone starts somewhere. To begin your journey towards becoming a character advocate and a Trainer in the 11 Principles, join today and receive your white belt recognition!