Inspiring Character

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Inspiring Character Fall 2019 Issue
Inspiring Character

Inspiring Character is the official magazine of If you dream of building more character in your community and learn something along the way, our quarterly magazine will be a helpful guide in your ongoing journey.


What to Expect

Latest Research

A look at some of the most recent research on moral and performance character values.

Interviews & Op-Eds

Exclusive content from some of the leading thinkers and voices in the field of character development.

Best Practices

Character building examples and practices that can be replicated to change the culture of your community.

Something For Everyone

Articles that spotlight character in our schools, workplaces, sports organizations and homes.

Latest Research

Advice and opinions from people of all backgrounds with experiences in many different areas of character.

Latest Research

High-quality, relevant, and original content with a focus on clear messaging.

Absolutely fantastic! I read every article. The first one by Sara Konrath is the best piece I’ve ever read about empathy. The following articles were outstanding as well. A perfect fit.

Hal Urban
Educator, Author

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