Share Your Story
Everyone has a “character-inspired story.”
Perhaps it’s when you saw one of your students choosing the harder right than the easier wrong. Or when your captain finally realized that being a good teammate is sometimes more difficult than scoring a goal or making a basket. Or the moment when you see your own child or teen be their best selves.
Share your story with us. So we can inspire others.
Tell us about a child or teen who cares deeply about being honest or compassionate, who has learned to take responsibility or show some grit, who shows the courage to stand up for fairness or respect. These are the character strengths (among others) at the heart of every character-inspired story.
Your Checklist:
- Use approximately 300-500 words
- Include a compelling lead sentence or first paragraph
- Pluck our emotional heartstring
- Connect your story to a specific character strength (or several)
- Conclude your story with a “call to action” to us as individuals, teachers, parents, coaches
How to Submit:
Read Stories:
(Note to Staff: We will need to create a form that people can access directly on the site. In addition, each story will be checked and edited before we post). Becky thought we should have a sample story. We should also include that kids can submit a story too.)